Avoid constant debt collection hassle with our ai helper.
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Check for scam emails
Ask your helper to check the trustworthyness of emails to avoid scams.
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Manage your debt
A helping hand, clearly see what you're spending and how you can save month to month
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“Sorting life’s money mess—together.”
My Money Aid is here for anyone feeling lost or overwhelmed when it comes to money stuff.
It’s like having a mate sitting next to you, helping you sort through your emails, keep track of what you owe, and even write replies to the people chasing you for money—but in a way that’s fair, clear, and sticks up for you.
We know life gets messy. Bills pile up, emails get ignored, and sometimes it feels too heavy to face. That’s why My Money Aid is built to be simple, kind, and on your side.
It helps you see what’s coming in, what’s going out, and make a plan—without anyone judging or hassling you.
You’re not alone in this. Let us help you get back in control, one email at a time.